

Who am I? Well like a lot of you, I’m a wife, a mom, and a business professional. We know that those titles really simplify all the things we do everyday, and how many hats we wear…we have a lot on our plates…everyday. If we are going to be able to take care of everyone and everything in our lives we have to take care of ourselves first. WE have to feel good!

 Three years ago I didn’t feel good, in fact, I felt pretty bad. Traditional doctors weren’t finding solutions to make me feel better. I ended up on an unexpected journey to natural health. It has been, and still is, an amazing education that I want to share with others. It has included eating healthier (and yes, gluten-free), taking natural supplements, doing acupuncture, and using essential oils. I would have been skeptical about all of these things if I hadn’t personally experienced the benefit of each one and the change in my health. We don’t have to feel bad as we get older! I hope that what I’ve learned can help you.

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