My Break-up With Sugar


Processed Sugar and I are on a trial separation.  You know, it’s been coming for a long time…it’s been a rocky road…so finally, three weeks ago I’d had enough.  Sure it’s been hard, no break up is ever easy.  I’ve loved sugar for a long time…as long as I can remember…most of my life.  And I know sugar loves me…it’s so obvious when it brings me delicious cookies, brownies, and especially ice cream.  It even hides in other foods just to surprise me.  But I know it’s better for me to live without sugar.  I’ve come to realize that it really only brought negatives to the relationship anyway.  Since we broke up I’m feeling better, my skin is clearer, my clothes fit better (and by better I mean looser), and I won’t be letting it contribute to things like autoimmune disease, inflammation, heart disease, brain fog, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer in my body.

Well, like any break up at first you just want sugar back but, as time goes by, you start to feel less interested in sugar and more interested in how good you are starting to feel.  I miss it less everyday and my craving for it has gone.  Sugar doesn’t want to give up on us though and it hangs around.  I don’t know yet if I’ll finalize the divorce with sugar but maybe it’s for the best to be strong and move on to a happier relationship with myself and leave sugar behind.  I’ve even found others…better alternatives to sugar like stevia, xylitol, coconut sugar and even organic raw honey. But, honestly, I rarely even turn to those since my taste for sweets has changed.  It might not be the best time for a break up, but sugar will be ok, it won’t be lonely.  Sugar loves everyone, and Valentine’s day is just around the corner.


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